Monday, June 6, 2016

Taxi no hide and seek drop line featured pick up location feature


Taxi no hide and seek, drop-line


  Earlier this month, Uber on new features "recommended pick-up location" has been tested, as part of its largest domestic rival, drops also pioneered this feature last week and launched a private beta. Today, drops the new feature has been officially launched.

  Lei feng's network news, drops a taxi recently released features have been added to the passenger-side APP "featured car" feature, this feature, passengers and drivers will receive a software notification should pick-up, to deal with passengers billed is inconsistent and physical pick-up location, driver and passengers could not find each other's problems.


Taxi no hide and seek, drop-line



  Generally, passengers billed Hou to driver received single, and arrived car locations need a few minutes Bell of waiting time, and this process in the due to weather, reasons, most passengers will select in Office, and home, and hotel restaurant, indoor environment issued single,, driver received single Hou or reached Hou again out, so passengers billed Shi of positioning and actual car Shi of location on will different, caused of consequences is driver to fast, and accurate to arrived specified locations pick.

  It is understood that this new feature is based on the historical data of the passenger car to the last drop, by recording the driver past parking and traffic, drops according to the system history data, combined with commonly used on and off site, and drivers recommended best pick-up location for the user so that the two sides meet in the shortest period of time. In addition, the system recommended by this point was not the only, users can choose the second and third "candidate". Sundar Pichai no excessive use of cell phone

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